Česky English

Company profile

The company Jihočeský chovatel a.s. was founded in 1992 during the privatization of the Regional Breeding company in České Budějovice. The main subject of its activity is the breeding of Simmental, Holstein and beef cattle, including the production and sale of bull’s semen.

The company owns an A. I. station with dairy bulls, bulls with dual purpose and beef bulls. It produces semen for the home market and it also exports to many Europien countries – Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Spain, Norway, United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, Turkey and Bosnia.

It also provides:

  • Milk recording, cattle insemination
  • Breeding animals trade
  • Consultancy for breeders in the field of breeding and reproduction, including herd analysis
  • Exhibitions, seminars, breeders‘ meeting


The company has a special program for beef cattle. It operates throughout the Czech Republic.

The main points of beef cattle program:

  • Production and sale of semen – beef simmental, charolais, aberdeen angus, hereford, limousine, blonde d’aquitaine, belgian blue, piemontese
  • Testation of young beef bulls – the company operates three performance test stations of beef bulls with a total yearly capacity of 400 bulls
  • Import and export of animals
  • Consultancy and mineral nutrition of beef cattle

Event calendar

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